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More about me

Creating a unique experience with imposed ingredients is one of the many things Level Design and cooking have in common. Although this new journey uses a different media, alot of my aquired skills translate to the video game industry. 

I am focused and dedicated on learning as much as I can to become a great Level Designer.
During my 10 years as a Chef, I had to adapt and overcome challenges in different work environments.
  • Fine dining
  • Private events
  • Competitions
  • Hotels
  • Foodtrucks
Random fact
I love taking photos, especially food & travel.
Throughout my career, I always kept video games and Esports as my main hobbies.
  • Since 2013, I organized multiple LANs (Local Area Network) from 20 attendees to 300+.
  • Started gaming communities in various games.
  • Played competitively at a high level in multiple games.
Random fact
I am passionnate about LiveOps FPS Games.

"Everybody you meet knows something you don't."

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